Original Artwork, Fine Art, Product Photography, Landscape & Wildlife

Who I Am...
My name is Angie and I have been taking photos for a little over 10 years now. I worked my way through compact cameras etc, always wanting more from the camera, and more control over the final image.
I soon found myself on an HND course just wanting to know how to get the images that I could see in my mind, out of the camera that was in my hands.
Flowers were my main focus during college, and I still love nothing more than having a beautiful flower in front of me and to be able to show off those close up details in a fine art style, like the textures, colours and those finer details that you have to just stop and take a moment to really see.
During college I loved learning all aspects of photography, but mostly enjoyed the digital editing side of things. Since I started selling my work, the digital art style has been the most popular, and I am constantly being asked for more of this type of image, so a lot of my market stall items are in this theme, and my display at Garrion Bridges Garden and Antiques Centre also has a lot of this style on display. These are not the only images available to buy, it's just the most popular ones
What I Love...
My other love is nature and wildlife, and I am most at home in the local nature reserves and woodland walks that are fortunately so close by and easily accessible too. I have a huge range of images of local wildlife, everything from tiny insects and butterflies in springtime, to deer in the winter snow. Lots of local scenes too, especially along the river Clyde, from Motherwell through to Lanark.
Cambusnethan house and Mauldslie Bridge are particular favourite spots as well as the stunning scenes at New Lanark and the Falls of Clyde. I have photographed lots of birds at Barons Haugh, bluebells at Cambusnethan Woods, not to mention all the ducks and deer at my favourite spot the Perchy Pond in Wishaw.
I'm loving learning from the people I meet along the way, about the history of the local area, about the local wildlife, just from chatting to people while out with the camera. I really love hearing about bird behaviour and characteristics etc from the regular visitors to Barons Haugh in particular, I rarely come home from there without having something I need to google haha.
Finally, I'd Just Like to Say...
... that I am hugely grateful to everyone who has bought from me at the stall, the website, and directly through just dropping me a message, especially in these early days, it's truly appreciated and it really means a lot to me.
I am so flattered that people want my photos on their walls at home/office/work, and I just love getting the chance to see the final printed copies too, there's something special about seeing the images in print for me, and every order gives me the opportunity to see each photo as it was meant to be,
Thank you x